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Fight Club?

N. Have you slept?

A. At 6am

N. Thats what I assumed right after you sent that.

A. It’s pixal art, cialis canada viagra I can’t move, patient Leg is up in Ice, nurse Pool stick as a cane. Three laptops and a G5, blackberry.

N. I’m convinced your secretly Tyler Durden and have fight clubs, which would explain you staying up all nights and showing up to work with “soccer injuries”.

A. HAHAHA – Black and blue ruckus, i do throw down.

N. I can imagine driving by some diner parking lot at 6am seeing you fighting dudes.. other designers from the same area.

A. LOL – i am pretty much crippled right now and i won’t deny it, graphic design did some of it. Alright. back to altering a 1,000,000 desktops.


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. AS= Tyler Durden –

A. I don’t even know who that is.

N. BRAD PITT!! from fight club the movie. your crazy. Later Tyler Durden.



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