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This morning i took a phone call for a potential contract job; a PR firm in Maryland.
Everything was going great – your website is NEAT – (?) we really like what you do.
blah blah. Everything is going well and i begin reviewing there site and discuss billing. hmmm

PR: So do you think you can make us.. umm .. maybe look.. ummmm.
Amin: Sexy!
Amin: You really just need a bit of a refresh

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. But yeah you are lacking the sex.
PR: So how much do you think it will cost?
Amin: What the sex?
PR: Yeah
Amin: Well i would need a little bit of time so I can give you a proper estimate. But roughly $$$$
PR: ??? really
Amin- We are still talking about going from nerdy to sexy right.
PR: Yeah. (sigh)
Amin: Well sex cost money.
PR: Yeah.
Amin: i’ll send you a estimate
PR: Thanks.

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